15 Mar 2023

How To Come Back Strong and Regain Energy After Being Sick

When being physically active is a key part of your daily routine, getting sidelined with a cold or illness can feel like being put in a penalty box. You know how to listen to your body when working out, and to stop or stretch more when you feel out of sorts and want to avoid injury. It’s equally important to listen to your body when you’re not feeling well. Your body needs time to rest and recover before bouncing back into the hustle and bustle of everyday life, let alone your workout routine.


Your Body When You’re Sick


It’s hard to slow down when you’re an active adult. But slowing down is a must when your body is fighting off an infection or illness. That’s because instead of using your energy to do everyday things like walking and talking and seeing, your body needs to channel all its resources into fighting off whatever has invaded it.


In a way, your body will temporarily shut down, forcing you to rest your brain, eyesight and muscles so it can fuel its immune system cells to fight off invaders. As a result, you may run a fever, and you will probably feel more sleepy than usual. Resist the urge to ignore your fatigue, and instead, let your body do its thing.


How To Regain Strength After Illness


Being sick can sap your strength, but remember that it’s just temporary. There are many ways you can hasten your recovery and regain your strength after falling ill.


Here are some do’s and one don’t to help your body fight off illness and to regain strength after being sidelined.


  • DON’T exercise if what’s bothering you is mainly something below the neck. Chest congestion and tummy troubles are signs to stop exercising. If you have a fever, even though you tend to measure body temperature in your head (mouth, ear or forehead), it’s a signal that your body is fighting off something throughout your body and another clear cue to rest. Adding exercise further stresses your system and makes it harder for the body to combat illness. If you have symptoms above the neck – a sore throat, mild congestion or a runny nose – it’s probably OK to exercise if you feel up to it.
  • DO ease back into exercising after taking some time off. A good rule of thumb is to go low and slow (low intensity, short duration). Starting an exercise activity too fast after recovering from an illness can undo some of the great gains your body made in overpowering your invader, and you may have a relapse.
  • DO something good for your body. For some people, skipping out on exercise feels like it’s throwing their self-care routine out of whack. But when you’re very sick, the simple act of giving your body the rest and recovery it needs is the best thing you can do. If you’re moderately sick, consider doing light stretches or restorative yoga poses to give yourself a very low intensity bout of self-care.
  • DO stay hydrated. It’s easy to get dehydrated when sick. Excess sweating or prolonged sleeping, both of which help your body fight off infection, also make it difficult for you to replenish your fluid needs. Drinking water is the easiest way to rehydrate. Hot tea is another great way to hydrate , and adding lemon and honey can help soothe sore throats. And who hasn’t heard of the medicinal qualities of chicken soup? Any broth-based soup is supremely hydrating and provides some nutrients as well. You can even hydrate by eating fruits and vegetables, especially citrus fruits, berries, cucumbers and greens.
  • DO get quality protein. Protein is a powerful nutrient that not only protects against muscle breakdown, but also helps promote a healthy immune system. Sipping protein shakes can give you high-quality protein, vitamins and minerals that your body needs to get back into fighting shape, and even helps with hydration.  


Getting sick is never fun, but you can help hasten your recovery and restore your energy if you give your body what it needs. That means good nutrition, ample hydration, and plenty of sleep. Before long, you’ll be back on your feet and ready to go!


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