Meet Joanne Sohl

Meet Joanne Sohl

Thank you BOOST® for your support of my struggles and as an extra plus…I love the flavor of BOOST®!

Joanne, age 73, struggles with an unfortunate combination of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia and Collagenous Colitis. Both are uncomfortable medical conditions which have negatively affected her everyday life.

The chronic leukemia causes great fatigue and a compromised immune system, while the colitis can be debilitating when it flares. Because of her medical issues, Joanne’s appetite was diminished and when she attempted to eat, her stomach felt full quickly. She needed help with maintaining her weight, energy and support for her nutritional needs. 

Retired and on a very limited income, she shared, “BOOST® Original drink has become a life saver for me as part of my daily lunch and a staple of my diet.” Joanne relies on BOOST to help meet her daily nutritional needs and that it is easy on her stomach.   

Over the last few years, BOOST® has given Joanne energy with  the balanced nutrition she needs to help enjoy her activities and says, “Thank you BOOST® for your support of my struggles and as an extra plus…I love the flavor of BOOST®!”.

Thank you, Joanne, for trusting us with your nutritional needs.

As with every medical condition, Joanne’s situation is unique.  Talk to your doctor about whether BOOST® products can help meet your nutritional needs.